School Uniform
Our school uniform can be purchased online from My Clothing Limited using the link below.
We also hold a small stock of uniform in the school office, although the prices are slightly higher.
The Staff and Governors encourage the children to wear school uniform and be proud of their appearance and their school.
The school uniform is:
Red school sweatshirt
Navy or white school t-shirt / polo shirt
Plain black or grey trousers / skirt, pinafore or red dress
Children should have a coat in school for beak times during the whole of the Autumn and Spring Terms.
Children should have PE kit in school at all times. This consists of:
Plain t-shirt and shorts (preferably in blue or white)
Jogging bottoms
Plimsolls or trainers
For health and safety reasons we insist that long hair is tied back at all times.
The following are unsuitable for school:
Torn or scruffy clothes
Skirts which are shorter than mid thigh or longer than mid calf
Shoes with a heel of more than 3cm, Crosd and flip flops
Jewellery (other than a watch and single set of ear studs)
Make-up and nail varnish