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Welcome to Christ Church School


No events at the moment



Welcome to the website for Christ Church C of E School.


Due to pupil numbers in the local area, the school will sadly be closing in July 2021.


We have many plans for this, our final year together, including a project about the history of this special little school.  If you feel you can help with this, please contact us.


Christ Church C of E Primary has been the

right school for so many families over its

long history and we intend to celebrate all

that it has been and go out with a bang!


Rebecca Slater

Executive Head Teacher








Please see our current school development plan below.  We are currently focusing on the same priorities as the last academic year, until we have established the needs of the children that are emerging, as a result of the Pandemic.  We will be creating a revised school development plan at the start of 2021....

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