Key Information
SATS Results 2019
As a result of our small numbers, we are not required to report our SATs data each year. However, we happen to be very proud of what our children achieve, especially in terms of progress!
Here are some key messages from our brilliant 2018-19 cohort.
Reading: 7/9 pupils achieved the expected standard or above.
3/9 pupils achieved the higher standard, with one pupil smashing the reading test and gaining the highest possible scaled score!
Writing: 6/9 pupils achieved the expected standard or above.
3/9 pupils achieved the higher standard.
Maths: 7/9 pupils reached the expected standard or above.
4/9 pupils reached the higher standard.
GPS: 5/9 pupils reached the expected standard or above.
3/9 pupils reached the higher standard.
These figures show that in reading, pupils made better than expected progress from Key Stage 1. In writing and maths, the pupils made expected progress during their time in Key Stage 2.